Functions and patterns
Symja implements a Term rewriting system. Here we describe how the rewriting rules can be defined with function and pattern notation.
Functions can be defined in the following way:
>> f(x_) := x ^ 2
This tells Symja to replace every occurrence of f
with one (arbitrary) parameter x
with x ^ 2
>> f(3)9
>> f(a)a^2
The definition of f does not specify anything for two parameters, so any such call will stay unevaluated:
>> f(1, 2)f(1,2)
In fact, functions in Symja are just one aspect of patterns:
is a pattern that matches expressions like f(3)
and f(a)
The following patterns are available:
matches one expression.
matches one expression and stores it in
matches a sequence of one or more expressions.
matches a sequence of zero or more expressions.
matches one expression with head
matches one expression with head
and stores it inx
p | q
Alternatives(p, q)
matches either pattern
p ? t
PatternTest(p, t)
if the testt(p)
p /; c
Condition(p, c)
if conditionc
As before, patterns can be used to define functions:
>> g(s___) := Plus(s) ^ 2
>> g(1, 2, 3)36
MatchQ(e, p)
tests whether e
matches p
>> MatchQ(a + b, x_ + y_)True
>> MatchQ(6, _Integer)True
(operator /.
) replaces all occurrences of a pattern in an expression using a Rule
given by ->
>> {2, "a", 3, 2.5, "b", c} /. x_Integer -> x ^ 2{4,"a",9,2.5,"b",c}
You can also specify a list of rules:
>> {2, "a", 3, 2.5, "b", c} /. {x_Integer -> x ^ 2.0, y_String -> 10}{4.0,10,9.0,2.5,10,c}
(operator //.
) applies a set of rules repeatedly, until the expression doesn’t change anymore:
>> {2, "a", 3, 2.5, "b", c} //. {x_Integer -> x ^ 2.0, y_String -> 10}{4.0,100.0,9.0,2.5,100.0,c}
There is a “delayed” version of Rule
which can be specified by :>
(similar to the relation of :=
to =
>> a :> 1 + 2a:>1+2
>> a -> 1 + 2a->3
This is useful when the right side of a rule should not be evaluated immediately (before matching):
>> {1, 2} /. x_Integer -> N(x){1,2}
Here, N
is applied to x before the actual matching, simply yielding x. With a delayed rule this can be avoided:
>> {1, 2} /. x_Integer :> N(x){1.0,2.0}
In addition to defining functions as rules for certain patterns, there are pure functions that can be defined using the &
postfix operator, where everything before it is treated as the function body and #
can be used as argument placeholder:
>> h = # ^ 2 &;
>> h(3)9
Multiple arguments can simply be indexed:
>> s = #1 + #2 &;
>> s(4, 6)10
It is also possible to name arguments using Function
>> p = Function({x, y}, x * y);
>> p(4, 6)24
Pure functions are very handy when functions are used only locally, e.g., when combined with operators like Map
>> # ^ 2 & /@ Range(5){1,4,9,16,25}
Sort using the second element of a list as a key:
>> Sort({{x, 10}, {y, 2}, {z, 5}}, #1[[2]] < #2[[2]] &){{y,2},{z,5},{x,10}}
Functions can be applied using prefix or postfix notation, in addition to using ()
>> h @ 39
>> 3 // h9