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Angle Units

The CalcES Scientific Calculator supports 3 angle units:

  • Degree (DEG)
  • Radian (RAD)
  • Gradian (GRAD)

If the Sin(90) on your calculator is not evaluating to 1 , please ensure that your calculator angle unit is set to degrees, not radians.

  • Sin(90)=0.894 in Radian mode
Sin(90) = 0.894 in radian mode
  • Sin(90)=1 in Degree mode
Sin(90) = 1 in degree mode
  • Sin(90)=0.988 in Gradian mode
Sin(90) = 0.988 in gradian mode

How to change angle unit?

Follow these steps to change angle unit:

  1. Open the calculator settings

    Open the calculator settings
  2. Choose your angle unit: RAD, DEG or GRAD

    Choose your angle unit


Angle unit = DEGREE

Sin(60)=(3)/2 ~ 0.866

Angle unit = DEGREE

Angle unit = RAD

Sin(Pi/4) = Sqrt(2)/2 ~ 0.7

Sin(4π)=22 ~ 0.7

Angle unit = RAD, sin(pi/4)

Faster way to switch between DEG/RAD/GRAD units


These angle units can be converted into one another using conversion formulas:

  • To convert degrees to radians: Multiply the number of degrees by 180π.
  • To convert radians to degrees: Multiply the number of radians by π180.
  • To convert degrees to gradians: Multiply the number of degrees by 910.
  • To convert gradians to degrees: Multiply the number of gradians by 109.
  • To convert radians to gradians: Multiply the number of radians by π200.
  • To convert gradians to radians: Multiply the number of gradians by 200π.


  • How do you change the angle unit on a calculator?
  • How do you change a scientific calculator to degrees?
  • How do you change from degrees to radians on a CalcES?
  • How do you change a CalcES calculator from degrees to decimals?
  • What is angle unit in calculator?
  • How do you convert angles to radians on a calculator?
  • How to convert degree to radian in CalcES scientific calculator?
  • Should my calculator be in radians or degrees?