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StringInsert(string, new-string, position)

returns a string with new-string inserted starting at position in string.

StringInsert(string, new-string, -position)

returns a string with new-string inserted starting at position from the end of string.

StringInsert(string, new-string, {pos1, pos2,...})

returns a string with new-string inserted at each position posN in string.

StringInsert({str1, strr2,...}, new-string, position)

gives the list of results for each of the strings strN


>> StringInsert({"", "Symja"}, "X", {1, 1, -1})

StringCases, StringContainsQ, StringCount, StringExpression, StringFreeQ, StringJoin, StringLength, StringMatchQ, StringPart, StringPosition, StringQ, StringReplace, StringRiffle, StringSplit, StringTake, StringToByteArray, StringTrim

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
